Diablo 3 barbarian build raekor
Diablo 3 barbarian build raekor

diablo 3 barbarian build raekor

No Escape – increases the damage of both Ancient Spear and Weapon Throw, and further supports the ranged playstyle of this build.Boon of Bul-Kathos – used to keep Wrath of the Berserker up at all times.Rampage – boosts the Barbarian’s Strength, giving them both an offensive and defensive increase.War Cry, Threatening Shout, and Ignore Pain are all good choices for damage reduction.Battle Rage – gives an additional boost to damage.Wrath of the Berserker – a powerful buff that will enhance all aspects of the Barbarian.Weapon Throw – used to further boost the damage of Ancient Spear.

diablo 3 barbarian build raekor

Furious Charge is another important Skill, as it gains all of its Rune effects, gains a huge damage boost, and further boosts the damage of Ancient Spear.Īlong with these two Skills, the other core Skills are: This build mainly focuses around the use of Ancient Spear with the Boulder Toss Rune.

diablo 3 barbarian build raekor

This build gives the Barbarian somewhat of a ranged option while dealing large AoE damage.

Diablo 3 barbarian build raekor